Friday, 28 August 2020

Simple Machines


My class has been learning about magnets and
gravity this term.Here is some of my work that
I have done this term. I have done more activities
like readings and study leader tasks on magnet,gravity
and more. I have learnt a lot of magnets and gravity
to be honest I knew nothing about magnet or gravity
but That they can connect your fridge. One thing that
I learnt in this term is that simple machines are Related
to gravity and something I learnt about magnets is that
they can Attach to black sand or well I never thought of it.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Wild Things Magazine Stop Throwing Food Scraps Into Nature 

I read from the magazine section this week.
I picked this book because it was the only magazine the classroom had.
The three of the stories in the magazine were called The answer can
be brain boggling, Mouthparts beaks and teeth and stop throwing food
scraps into nature. This is the book that i am going to tell you about, my
favoutive bit in the story is. Stops throwing food scraps into nature,
takes scraps home with you and disposes of them in your home or school
bin comset bin. Why this is my favourite bit is because I think that this
can help people realize  that throwing scraps and food into nature can kill
animals. This story can stop people from litter is bad for nature.

photos taking in the magazine article by Matt
Binns and Kat Macbeth 

Friday, 7 August 2020

Thomas Edison

   Thomas Edison 

 This week's book Graphic Novel.  is under the Why I picked this book is
because it was the first book I picked up. It looked the most interesting of
all the books. I don’t have a favourite bit of the book. But I learned something.
Thomas Edison was the creator  of light,film and the Phonograph. He was not
super smart as a kid. But his mother taught him. He was one of the smartest
people in the world before he died. I like this book because  it is interesting.
This is my favourite book that i have read this term.