My class has been learning about magnets and
gravity this term.Here is some of my work that
I have done this term. I have done more activities
like readings and study leader tasks on magnet,gravity
and more. I have learnt a lot of magnets and gravity
to be honest I knew nothing about magnet or gravity
but That they can connect your fridge. One thing that
I learnt in this term is that simple machines are Related
to gravity and something I learnt about magnets is that
they can Attach to black sand or well I never thought of it.
gravity this term.Here is some of my work that
I have done this term. I have done more activities
like readings and study leader tasks on magnet,gravity
and more. I have learnt a lot of magnets and gravity
to be honest I knew nothing about magnet or gravity
but That they can connect your fridge. One thing that
I learnt in this term is that simple machines are Related
to gravity and something I learnt about magnets is that
they can Attach to black sand or well I never thought of it.