Thursday, 12 September 2019

Weta Report - Team 3

This is a piece of writhing that we did for our minibeast topic when we were learning about weta. We had to write an information report  on this insect.

Click here to see our success criteria

 Wonderful  Weta 

What is a weta ? 

Weta are native to New Zealand/Aotearoa.  They are a cold-blooded 
wonderful  Insect. They have six legs so they can  crawl  from place
to place. There are 5 main species called the tree weta the  ground
weta  the cave weta,  the giant weta  and  the Tusked weta. An
abdomen is the back part of weta. Opositor is a spike on the
back of its body.  It is not a  stinger it  is an egg laying tube.

Where do weta live?  

There are 5  species of weta which  all live in different places. 
The tree weta live in  rotting trees  and you can find them in your
firewood.  The cave weta live in sea coast  caves and if you are
walking in a cave by the sea side you might  see one but only in
New Zealand. The  ground weta live in burrows  in the ground.  
Giant weta live on island sanctuaries

What do weta ea

tree weta and  giant weta ground weta mostly eat
lichens leaves. flowers, seed-head  and fruit.  Most
Cave weta are carnivorous or herbivorous and all
weta eat  kāreti/ carrots 

Where weta breed

Most weta breed in ngahuru /autumn.
 The female/ uwha lay  300 eggs. The
eggs stay in the hole for a year. They
breed in places like caves, grassland,
shrubland and  urban garden.    

Social Behaviour  

Tree weta live in a gallery. 
 A gallery is when a whole lot of weta live together .
The male defend their gallery   from competing males.
All  5 main species  live on their own.    

 Threats to wet

 Threats to weta are rats, cats, morepork,
tuatara, and  dogs. Before humans were here in
 New Zealand  morepork and tuatara  were the only 
threat to weta.  So we can keep weta alive by   looking
  after them and by  making sure we do not cut down trees
because some weta live in trees.  

Image result for wetaImage result for weta
Image result for wetaImage result for weta

This report taught  you about  the world of the wonderful weta. 

                   By Olive



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